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Hoses for abrasive materials Rubex Profi 40

Tube BR/IR
Cover BR/IR
Reinforcement Yarn reinforcement
Temperature range -35°C / +80°C
Ultimate strength min 4Р

Hose for mortar machines, stations and aggregates for transportation and application of mortar solutions on the surface, for discharge of solution, gypsum and cement. Utilization of specially developed rubber compounds of own manufacture allowed us to make a product with unique wear-resistant properties, neccessary for operation in the most extreme conditions.

mm. units. mm. mm. mm. kg. / m. bar. m.
25 2 6 10/20/40 37 0,75 40 220
25 2 7 10/20/40 39 0,8 40 250
32 2 7 10/20/40 46 1,1 40 320
38 2 10 20 58 1,4 40 380
38 2 8 20 54 1,9 40 380
50 2 8 20 66 1,7 40 500
50 2 9 20 68 1,95 40 500
50 2 10 20 70 2,2 40 500

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